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Embarrassing Mistakes - REALLY Embarrassing Mistakes

So I was scanning tweets on my Twitter homepage and Karen White posted a link to this article about embarrassing mistakes.

It’s a great article, and I assume they had better embarrassing moments to share but were keeping it rated PG13, so to speak. So I’d like to share mistakes that are really, and I mean really, embarrassing. Oh, and not so rated PG13 J

  • One girl asked her boss to please find a time to “mate” with her, instead of “meet”. Ouch…

  • A very regretful manager ended a long email with “Best Retards” instead of “Best Regards”.

  • A personal friend of mine once SMSed me to take a “pee” at the email she sent me instead of “peek”. Lucky I’m just a friend and not a coworker!

  • So this one woman at work is named “Virginia” and every now and then the spell checker corrects it to something else…

  • One woman hit “reply to all” on an email to all her fellow employees sent from her boss who invited them to join a local event. Her reply was meant to me “add me please” but with the “s” being so close to the “d” on the keyboard, mistakes can happen…. Very embarrassing…

  • A horrible and apparently not so rare mistake: people accidentally writing that they’re sorry for the "incontinence" instead of “inconvenience”. Look the word up!

  • A pet store in California put up a sign that they've got new “Erotic Fish” instead of “Exotic Fish”. They got a whole new kind of clientele that day!

  • A 5th grade science teacher in Florida read aloud from a book in class and confused "Organism" with another word…

Got more horrible slip ups? Comment and share!
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